It includes a patch which can be found here to make script extenders used in Bethesda game modding work properly)

Thanks for such an amazing program! System information

Given this is such a niche scenario, I don't expect anything to come from this! I just wanted to bring the issue to your attention and see if it was an easy fix :) Also sorry if you knew all this about ENBs and all that, I didn't want to leave you hanging with no info! If you do need more info on Skyrim modding to understand this problem I'd be happy to help. This screen, on my heavily modded Windows set-up, would take a minute, max, to load through. I have tried launching the game without SKSE and without any mods enabled. This happens before the Skyrim main menu appears. I have let it set for at least an hour and nothing will happen. The game will launch, however, it will freeze on this screen: zip, but they are only placeholders for ENB preset creators to edit and aren't needed for the ENB to run. Other files are included in the downloaded. Installation entails dragging "d3d11.dll" and "d3dcompiler_46e.dll" into this Skyrim Special Edition folder, which auto generates an enblocal.ini and an enbseries.ini when launched.

ENB is more similar to SKSE64 than other mods, as it is installed to ~/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition instead of ~/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/Data. The problem arises when trying to use ENB, a graphics mod that essentially replaces Skyrim special edition's native post-processing. Same goes for SKSE with any combination of typical mods. When launched with just SKSE, things run absolutely perfectly. This requires a special version of wine which is detailed below. I have installed Skyrim Script Extender 64 and as such launch the game via skse64_loader.exe. Skyrim Special Edition being played via WineSteam on Lutris.